/* spectral by html5 up html5up.net | @ajlkn free for personal and commercial use under the cca 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) */ (function ($) { history.pushstate(null, null, location.href); console.log(123); window.onpopstate = function (event) { history.go(1); }; var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'), $wrapper = $('#page-wrapper'), $banner = $('#banner'), $header = $('#header'); // breakpoints. breakpoints({ xlarge: ['1281px', '1680px'], large: ['981px', '1280px'], medium: ['737px', '980px'], small: ['481px', '736px'], xsmall: [null, '480px'] }); // play initial animations on page load. $window.on('load', function () { window.settimeout(function () { $body.removeclass('is-preload'); }, 100); }); // mobile? if (browser.mobile) $body.addclass('is-mobile'); else { breakpoints.on('>medium', function () { $body.removeclass('is-mobile'); }); breakpoints.on('<=medium', function () { $body.addclass('is-mobile'); }); } // scrolly. $('.scrolly') .scrolly({ speed: 500, // offset: $header.outerheight() }); // menu. $('#menu') .append('') .appendto($body) .panel({ delay: 500, hideonclick: true, hideonswipe: true, resetscroll: true, resetforms: true, side: 'right', target: $body, visibleclass: 'is-menu-visible' }); if ($banner.length > 0 && $header.hasclass('alt')) { $window.on('resize', function () { $window.trigger('scroll'); }); $banner.scrollex({ bottom: $header.outerheight() + 1, terminate: function () { $header.removeclass('alt'); }, enter: function () { $header.addclass('alt'); }, leave: function () { $header.removeclass('alt'); } }); } })(jquery);